Category Archives: internet

https baby!

That was long overdue! I’ve been meaning to add secure certificate for the domain (and all subdomains) for quite some time. Finally, I made the site connection secure, thanks to Let’sEncrypt.

By the way you should donate to its wonderful cause of providing SSL/TLS certificate for free (even the wildcard certificates!!) LetsEncrypt is free, automated & Open certificate authority(CA).

The last straw #Facebook

Facebook feed algorithm is driving people to extremism. It’s making their beliefs even stronger, cementing it further by watching likeable content repetitively. While Facebook notoriously, has been working on some or the other secret social experiments at large scale, this is the last straw. I have been tempted to stop using Facebook since many years but had hold back the thought because of the business clients on social media.
I don’t know how Mahesh Murthy manages to take a stand and use fb the same time… something to learn?
But I think they are not prepared for the negative consequences, the negative sentiments and extremism causing on the society at large. This may look bit vague, but this is a very serious concern.
This should be the movement, to stop Facebook from manipulating peoples mind. I think a mentor would help! Do you feel the same? Are you game for this? RT below tweet, or better yet, comment below (using your facebook credentials 😐 )

DrupalCon Asia here I come

DrupalCon is happening in Asia for the first time. Lucky for me it’s happening in India, Mumbai near I live (at IIT Bombay to be precise). I’ve been following Drupal Events and news since the launch of D8; and thinking of attending the conference. Today is the last day to pay for the tickets and register for the event. I delayed my decision to max and paid more than double the super-early bird price. ₹ 8,000 is still considered an costly conference in India even if you bill it as business expense. I know it’ll payback. Drupal is a whole new level, compared to other obvious choices for website development (read WordPress & Joomla). I was blown away by the built-in features & the possibilities with Drupal 8. D8 took forever to launch since the last version (released in 2011) and it changed everything. I hope the wait is well worth, especially now, when I’ve decided to work on the project using Drupal platform. Currently I’m building it on D7 due to lack of mature modules. But, eventually more mods will be available to D8. Sooner the better. Better even before the launch of our app. My plan is to start working on Drupal 8 as soon as I am satisfied with MVP (minimum viable product/ prototype) on D7, and built it on HHVM instead of currently available version of PHP.  HHVM, the hacked PHP by Facebook team, is surely faster than PHP.
DrupalCon is multi-track (parallel lectures) event with loads of informative sessions and non-stop flow of the tips, lessons & knowledge. They have very unique session (or should I call it un-session?) called BoF.

Birds of a Feather sessions (or BOFs) are informal gatherings of like-minded individuals who wish to discuss a certain topic without a pre-planned agenda. BOFs allow groups to meet and discuss issues relating to regular conference sessions and talk out common problems facing the community.

Isn’t it cool? A space for like minded people with informal settings and no-agenda. I’m really excited to attend this conference. I never attended DrupalCamps (the smaller version) nor DrupalCons before. And I’m sure there’s going to be loads of take-away. I’ll write post-event blog about my experience.
If you happened to be coming to DrupalCon Asia next week feel free to ping me on twitter.

Look papa, New theme!

Finally made a move to fully responsive theme (not bootstrap through). In the process of doing so, I replaced my old theme files (404.php); so instead of copy new files in new theme folder, I copied them to old theme directory. I did that on my webserver (Ubuntu Server) on terminal using SSH. And unfortunately there’s no undo in CLI. 🙁 I’m glad I’ve started using Git now.

In love with Bootstrap

Recently, I realised that my unchanged theme (since 2011!) is obsolete. Although this blog is mobile friendly (thanks to jetpack, we’ve mobile theme), I’ve been thinking of single responsive theme that would work across all devices. While researching the solution, I discovered many ‘cool’ themes &  I must confess, I’m in love with Bootstrap. It’s such a fun playing around.
I might implement Bootstrap CSS on this blog some time soon…

classic theme

I checked my blog (front side of the blog) after so many days. The fonts and site design looks old-fashioned, kind-of ‘classic’. Yes, then default theme TwentyTen for the WordPress has officially become classic. I’ll re-design my websites soon.

WPMU Dev testimonial

The cool guys at WPMU Dev run testimonial contest. They asked the members to submit 30 seconds or shorter video about their services. I’m very much impressed with what offer so I jumped in!
Here we go!

Joining hands with IIC


Internet Infrastructure Coalition

Joining hands with Internet Infrastructure Coalition.
This week I attended WHD.India where I got opportunity to talk to David Snead of I2Coalition, the public interest body for the internet and its culture. I learned that something similar to I2Coalition is coming to India & I’m looking forward to be part of it.
The current website has these banners that you can use to help spread the word and promote the effort.