Monthly Archives: January 2009

GMAT lessons online free by Kaplan for BTG members

Hello dear GMAT students,
There’s announcement for all Beat The GMAT members out there who’re preparing for the test.
Kaplan is conducting live-online lecture session & if you’re a member of Beat The GMAT forums you’ll get the free pass for first lecture series of their online course. I think it’s  an introductory lecture, an overview of GMAT but will cover many fundamental yet important topics like how to make schedule  or GMAT’s structure & scoring pattern.
There’re three different time slots for your convenience check out the page for more details. (& you can post a reply on the forums for any query or further details)
The event will be live one on 2nd Feb andother two on 4th Feb. all three are kept in different time slots.
But there’s one necessary condition: you have to be the member of BeatTheGMAT forums. I know most of my readers are already members of that forum but just in case if you’re not register to the forums for free

The inconvenient truth: Global warming by Al gore

Today, I just watched the award winning documentary by Al Gore. called “The Inconvenient truth”. & I just couldn’t stop myself to blog about it. (PS: I am shocked, thrilled and moved & I am gonna buy few DVDs of this film and distribute among my friends and closed ones. That’s the least I can do (for now).) My father had got the opportunity to watch it on the flight two years back & he insisted me to watch it too.. it’s highly recommended!! Although it’s bit late from me to watch it but as they say better late than never 😉
The problem is that people take this as a political issue & start debating over it with their prejudice mind. We should understand that it’s a global issue. beyond democrats or republicans, it’s beyond politics; it’s not pertaining to particular nation/country; it’s about our mother earth; it’s about global warming.
I’ve been conscious about this issue since my adolscence and more since I entered into engineering college. But from now I think I’ll make conscious and constructive efforts to change.
The documentary is so stimulating, inspiring and convincing that I am just gonna buy few DVDs of this film and distribute among my friends and closed ones. That’s the least I can do (for now).
And following is some more interesting material I can share: It’s the study material. Actually can be used in schools for 9-12 grade students But there’s no harm if you read and learn it; it’s fun 😉 But it’s recommended to watch the film first. For those who’ve already seen it, go ahead and share it; better print it. .I know we tend to forget thing a lot early than we believe. Apparently they have a dedicated website for this film: The incovenient truth

Pagalguy Case study

For all those fans of it’s a moment of pride.
Being the prospective MBA students, I hope you all know what business case study means. (& what it meant to be the case study itself 😉 ) Definitely a proud moment as I consider myself once associated with pagalguy forums…
I heard last year that IIM Banglore is making a case study on but it was not made open to public. Now it’s available & you can read who document here:
There’re a lot of take aways from this document a lot to learn for any dot com startups or those who want to build a social networking sites etc. Although I already knew alot about it, as I’ve been watching the site closely since years, there’s great analysis and data in there. worth reading.
For those new to this site & pg, I’m tempted to write more about this company and its founder Allwin Agnel. So I’m just gonna copy-paste the stuff I wrote about him sometime back…

Allwin Agnel is one of the most dynamic entrepreneurs I have ever seen. His innovativeness on launching an online forum at the time when such technology was not much known to the audience & his creativity of constantly adding new features/tools to the portal & forums,, made it one of the MOST INFLUENCIAL websites for MBA aspirants. It’s not just a forum; it’s more of a community which go beyond online sharing of knowledge. I personally, made (a lot) more social contacts via pagalguy forums than all other social networking sites combined. And without selling any product to its members, he made a business model which is generating revenue & positive cash flow. (Something which web2.0 founders stuck to figure out). He’s an excellent motivator and a role model. Despite the fact that handsome jobs are raining in India, I am astonished to see, how successfully he created a great team at Inzane Labs and attracted more talented HR. It’s always a dream to work with him.

Theme modified

Can you see the colour combination and looks changed?
Yeah I modified the theme that I have been using. I made a lot of changes, made according to my needs.
& it actually taught me a bit of php 😀 I am so happy now as I didn’t give this project to some designer or developer. I must confess it was (is) time-consuming but it’s fun. There’s still a lot to be done … lot of content building is due…especially at the parent site

now following new prez

I’m now following the new President of United States, 😀 Barack Obama on twitter.

They stopped micro-blogging from twitter after the results were declared last year. But twitting is again ON I guess. Visited Inaguration website & they’ve slide-show of photos, they also ask to submit YOUR photos if you attended the event. certainly a new-age President! Congratulations America! (well, actually I watched live telecast on the TV)
I thought to share it with my visitors.

New GMAT official guide 12th edtion soon to be released

Though it may not be the breaking news to all of you who keep up-to-date information about the GMAT and the happenings; the new edition of the famous GMAT guide, the official guide aka the bible of GMAT preparation will soon be out in the stores. Rumours were OG 12 will be available by the end of 2008. & as usuual it was expected to delay the publication by 2/3 months.

Now (?) the releasing date is officially disclosed and confirmed:
The official guide to GMAT review, 12th edition will be released in March 2009 (23rd of March to be precise). The other two official guides of GMAT, verbal and quantitative review will be released -shortly- after the distribution of OG 12th edition begins.

Although it had the press release some 2/3 months ago I somehow missed to write a post about it. Though I must have given some hints in the forums, I forgot to inform our Forums…
So most of you currently preparing for GMAT but have not yet booked the date for the test would wonder as to wait to new books or just to go ahead with earlier official materials…
Yes, thats the geniene question. And answer is not easy for such situation…
The ideal answer to the question: “when should you take the GMAT?” is “when you’re ready”.
If you’re currently in middle of your prep or more (ie. almost over with your preparation)  I presume by the time new edition of OG would come you should be completely ready for GMAT and thus in this scenario it’s not the good idea to wait OG 12. But if you’ve just started googling for GMAT or looking for GMAT study materials haven’t spend too much in books etc, and you don’t have a b-school application deadline coming, you can think of delaying your GMAT plans.
In a way so that you could give justice to new book, say at least a month after you buy 12th edition.
Actually I am so tempted to write more, more about OG & its credibility. But I’d rather direct you to the GMAT forum and ask you to search-n-seek.

Upgrade to Firefox 3

Last year I made a post promoting Internet Explorer 7. But I personally do not use MS ie7. Yes, it was recommended to those who still using old ie 6. Although there’re some features I like about internet explorer. They are not strong enough to stick me to MS IE. & during my Linux phases I had to use Firefox. It’s not a compromise actually, I prefer Mozilla firefox browser over any other internet browser. I had used Microsoft internet explorer 6, 7 & beta 8. (might add review of beta 8..) but I always liked Firefox. I love the browser so much that I in fact joined some groups and communities to spread the firefox. Yeah, can you see the firefox’s logo on the sidebar, which says upgrade to 3.0? yes they’ve provided it ;). And to my surprise, if I become one of the top referrer & selected from lucky draw, I’d get a firefox t-shirt!! This is fun!! 🙂 All you have to do is click on the button, download, install & use firefox. Of course you should use it if you like it. Choice is all yours.

Spreadfirefox Affiliate Button

Firefox is a cross platform (can be run on any system Windows, Mac or Linux ) internet browser. If you’re better than a newbie at computer operating or internet surfing, I hightly recommend you to have Mozilla Firefox. Well, if you’re not newbie or less than a average user, chances are you’re already using FIrefox. (so let me rephrase it) & if you’re wanna be an efficient net surfer I recommend using Firefox.

Multiple tabs & customised search engine are common options that come in browsers these days.

Some advantages of firefox are: it’s highly customizable. You can play with it add almost any feature you want. There are thousands of coders, developers / programmers out there who make plugins & addons just for you; which helps make efficient browsing. Take for instance I’ve installed a add-on called fireone which monitors my broadband internet usage. & warns me if I’m crossing (or reached near to) my bandwidth limit. It comes handy & I don’t have to log in to BSNL site time to time just to see the status.

That’s just one example; I might some time in future, post a list of add-ons I’ve added in firefox browser. & it’s a great advantage Firefox has got over all other internet browsers. There’re many other advantages like: I heard browsing is more secure & difficult hack. But the things that I don’t understand I don’t comment on. Anyways if the experts are commenting that it’s a secure browser, it has to be; as we seen some fatal issues with Microsoft’s internet explorer lately, I again highly recommend to switch or as they say “upgrade”.

Google friend connect

Playing with my blog is my past-time-hobby ( & I must confess I play more, blog less 😉 ).  In past I had made lot of efforts to make this blog more interactive & today I am introducing a new feature in the blog.
Yes, you can see the new box on the right column & see some people already joined it. & did I tell it’s Day 1 of this blog… 😀 (Obviously I asked them to join 😉 ) check this short and quick video to find out what exactly I am talking about:
Google Friend Connect is not just new for my blog but it’s new for the internet. It’s recently launched and has much to evolve. I’ll make it more interactive, may be enable facility to make comments or give 5 star ratings etc. But that depends on how this box grows at this site.
It’s in a way a small online/virtual social networking among the visitors of this site. So what are you waiting for? hit the “Join” button. If you’re a regular visitor, just do it. If you think you’re not gonna visit this site again, just do it leaving your footprints. Yeah, both ways “join” it’s hassle free. Now why I encourage you to join because it needs no-registration. All you need is already-existing-id with one of the big players: GMail, Yahoo or AOL. thats it.
It’s competition to mybloglog but I think google went a step ahead in terms of features, though they launched it later…


I have just added “My profiles” item in the sidebar. Can you see it in middle column? yeah, thats right. Thats all my other profiles. You can see the the “& more”   which lauch this page:
yes that means I can add some sites in the list or can remove some depending upon your choice. Obviously I’ve made that list for your convenience so if there’s no-one among my readers visit LinkedIn, there’s no point in listing it here. Also if large percent of you have MySpace account I can add my link in the list. Got my point?
So do comment & let me know if you think I should edit this link.. whichever social network or forum among the listed you’re associated with , feel free to add me there…
See you later 😉

Hello wordpress!

And look at this Mr. WordPress, has made a comment on my blog!! & they allow smilies too 😉 😀 boy! I am loving it.
Welcome Johny, welcome to the world of wordpress blogging. Although I had revealed my real name, Pranav Amrute I would still prefer to go by Johny Cage.
I am moving all my (blogspot) blogs to here. & it could take some time before I can announce about it to everyone. Also the parent site: is under construction so give me some to time before I could start adding the content here regularly. I’ll create a separate page for GMAT books review & my recommendation. Also there are more articles coming in.
I know the site is not indexed in google so there’re next to nil chances of persons reading this, still I have to write this 😉
The new platform is going to be more interactive, be with me, comment, stay tuned you’ll never regret.

Migration to new GMAT site

I have been thinking of having my own personal web site & having this (& my other blogs) hosted there. & this month I might move this blog to personal site. 

Earlier I thought migrating would be coping & pasting all my articles to new blog (yes I am thinking of chucking & going for wordpress ) But thankgod its not that terrrible I just have to link it with blogger give some authentication thats it. & blog is moved. 
By the month end I would be able to create all new site. The new site would be more interactive & active. Perhaps my migrating thoughts stopped me from blogging. But once I am shifted, you’ll see a lot of fresh content. 
GMAT related and a lot personal stuff. I might dilute this blog by adding non-GMAT content, yes of course as you can guess I am consolidating all my blogs so have to compromise there. But I’ll make sure to have separate RSS feed for GMAT related posts. that way if you subscribe to my blog you wil not have to read my personal blabber.
I learned wordpress is superior blogging application than blogger. Though I am more familiar with blogspot & still figuring out its admin panel etc.
Anyways there’s lot of GMAT content (which I have been waiting to publish) ;comng once I am done with migration.
will let you know the new name of site…

MBA Insider businessweek now free?

I used to visit Business Week website & read a lot b-school admission & MBA application & GMAT related content and even field service management.

However their cream content (read: best of businessweek bschool admissions section) was available only to premium/paid subscribers. & I used to stuck just there as I never subscribed to paid content. 
It was (is) known as MBA insider. It’s an online magazine from BusinessWeek which you need to subscribe on yearly basis with 25-30 $. (Sorry, I dont remember the exact amount../ )  & now after  a long time when I visited I could browse the site freely without any subscription notice. This is strange. Have they made “MBA insider” free/open to all? Some time back I discovered their forums became open to non-members. thinking that, it could be an obvious move. But there’s a twist. I asked my senior at U.S. to have paid subscription of MBA insider for me. Funny thing is when I visited Business Week, I had prepared myself to start paid subscription but they dont make me pay now!! 
I never used the password given by my friend from America but still been able to browse the premium content. 
Now I’m confused & therefore I am making this post. Am I the only one (luck>?) who got this access? or all MBA aspirants from India get free access & our brothers from United States have to pay? Or it’s free for everyone? 
In that case, why I dont see the subscription request page?
Do you know the url? if yes Please send  it to me alongwith snapshot… as url I know dont show any payment option. neither it blocks me from seeing premium content…
Thats funny.  I am tempted to say “who cares” but .. BusinessWeek are you listening?