Monthly Archives: July 2014

I ran out of time on my section and left a question unanswered. Will I be penalized for skipping a question?

I ran out of time & left question unanswered. Am I going to disqualify or penalize heavily for this?

Leaving last question (/questions ) black is worse than selecting wrong answer choices. At least try to select one random choice first before hitting confirm. GMAT score gets penalized in such cases but it’s not the end of the world. You’re not disqualified.

For #LTSP server, Edubuntu is better choice. Thanks @RigvedRakshit for the tip!

When I was writing my AWA essay during the test, I ran out of time an didn’t hit the ‘Confirm’ button. What happened to the content that I did write?

In AWAs essay I wrote a complete essay but while reviewing, time got up and I couldn’t hitsubmit / confirm button. My all efforts are wasted!
Stay calm, and concentrate on your coming quant & verbal sections. Whatever you’ve written refined or rough on computer is stored and will be taken as respective essay, even when you forgot to hit submit button.

Microsoft beats the competition by 1TB offer on OneDrive

OneDrive (formerly known as SkyDrive), the cloud storage from Microsoft now offers whooping 1TB of data storage to its premium subscribers. Earlier 1TB space was only offered to Office 365 for business and SkyDrive Pro (now OneDrive for business) subscribers. Now the offer is extended to Office 365 Home & Personal subscribers as well. This change makes it 1TB available for every paid subscriber of Office 365 irrespective of its plan and size of the organisation. (something Google i/o 2014 announcement for unlimited Drive storage doesnt offer for lower plans -you’ve to pay $5/month extra to avail that offer, also, small organisation are not eligible for unlimited space on G-Drive.)
onedrive-1tbI’ve been a loyal member of OneDrive since the beginning when they used to offer 25GB of space for free users. From time to time, I’ve been given extra space on OneDrive in the name of ‘loyalty bonus’ for using Microsoft’s products and services (including WindowsPhone 8, OneDrive on mobile for camera roll backup, Office 365 etc.). And this tiny bonus pleases me, makes me write blog-posts on it and promote their services for free. But this new offer beats it all. This is no more a ‘tiny addition’, this is game changer. You get 1 TB straight, (1,024 GB) makes my enthusiast bonus (20GB), loyalty bonus (10GB) & camera roll bonus (3GB)so small and negligible! Sigh!
OneDrive has increased the free quota from 7GB to 15 GB. So when you sign-up at OneDrive you get 15 GB of storage space on cloud to start. (Same as Google Drive is offering to all Google Account holders for free.)

I want to send my GMAT score to business schools only after seeing the results. Are you allowed send your scores after you’ve completed the exam and received your results?

I want to send my GMAT score to b-schools based on my performance on test; Are you allowed to decide five b-schools after the exam?

It’s sequential, you mention 5 b-schools first then you face the test. Sometimes, by mistake if you missed to fill that form, you could get lucky and allow to write 5 schools name after the exam. But do not try this deliberately, it’s risky & you could lose your opportunity of 5 free reports.

WPMU Dev testimonial

The cool guys at WPMU Dev run testimonial contest. They asked the members to submit 30 seconds or shorter video about their services. I’m very much impressed with what offer so I jumped in!
Here we go!

What can I bring to the exam center on my GMAT test day?

 What I should bring to the exam centre on my GMAT day?

Your photo-identification card, maybe a driver license; for non-US citizen passport is must. You can also take a chit (small note) with you about the 5 b-schools’ name & their code you want to report your score to. Bring some food &/or energy drink you can consume outside exam hall, during the breaks.