Monthly Archives: July 2010

Open docs cars project

If you’re a car enthusiast, follow auto industry news; read car/automobile /commercial vehicle magazines; take part in online discussion; stop by Discovery Turbo channel or watch weekend TV shows such as Overdrive (CNBC/IBN etc.); keenly watch market trend or maybe curious about Indian auto industry trend; I’ve a feast for you. I’ve been following motor industry since quite a long, whenever I stumble upon newspaper/magazines store I buy some Car related magazines. Don’t make me start cars but to confess, I belong to above group of people & I’m sure there’re many more people crazier than me out there.
Update: GTO of TeamBHP forums is doing great job in mining and sharing the sales stats with the world. I now see no use of doing same thing, great work there, GTO!
Just for fun, (yeah, part of my hobby & pleasures) I’m collecting all sales data of all cars sold in India. To keep the data organized, easy to handle, analyze and study; I’m starting a new spreadsheet and uploading it on the cloud (simply on the internet). It’ll be made open for public and people can view or download it. Further I might allow people to edit the document sheet so that other viewers can contribute. Like the open source, right? (but ironically on windows server; yeah! It’ll be on Skydrive to be precise.) I’ll also post guide on how you can collect monthly car sales data and contribute to spreadsheet. Detail post follows once the document is uploaded and made accessible to public. And given my blogging rate, you can estimate when it’d be up! 😛 😉
That’s heads-up. If you’re interested in contributing as well, drop me a line below.  And if you know any motor-trend enthusiast: spread the word. Lets see where it goes, it could be big, who knows! I’m making such doc because it’s not there on the internet, or at least that is what I think; if you happen to know such data readily available on the internet for free please comment below.