Monthly Archives: April 2014

Linode pleasing its customers

Linode is pleasing its current and new/prospective customers by upgrading the existing server hardware and keeping the hosting price unchanged.

Linode, the web-hosting firm, specialised in virtual/ cloud servers, is doubling its current RAM offering for its all packages. They are also introducing SSDs replacing the spinning disks. It’ll enThis overall upgradation of hardware & infrastructure facilities going to cost them 45 million dollars.

Linode, who is pioneer in cloud & virtual server hosting is famous for its best and prompt support. This upgrade would ensure them to keep the lead to beat the competition.

Ubuntu 14.04 Launch Party in Mumbai

This week, the LTS (long term support) version of Ubuntu will be released. The Ubutnu 14.04 LTS release date party is 20th Arpil 2014 (which was not fixed until recently). In some parts of the world it’ll release today, but in India the release party is hosted on Sunday, 20th April 2014 at DirectiPlex, Andheri, Mumbai. I never attended any meetups (barcamps?) or conference related Ubuntu. I’m looking forward to attend the launch party. The best part of the LTS release is they come after 3 regular releases and come with 5 years of lifespan support (server & desktop versions). Let’s celebrate the 14.04 LTS release of Ubuntu by attending the party, if you too are coming tweet me! & register at Ubuntu Loco Team portal.
Microsoft has officially stopped support for Windows XP. People have waited for improved & better Windows & we are offered Vista, & now 8 & 8.1. It’s enough now. There cannot be a better time to move to linux & try Ubuntu.
I’ve been using Ubuntu since at least 2007. I remember, I ordered the CD of Ubuntu 7.04 & received it by post from Canonical Ltd. all the way from the UK! I still have that envelope and stickers that sent for free along with the FeistyFawn CD.
And to those who don’t know what Ubuntu is, I’ll leave you with the following video.