Monthly Archives: June 2009

Introducing Sales evagelist Karl Goldfield

I recently been introduced to (or been accidentally bumped to) Karl Goldfield’s blog and his video lessons about sales.
To confess I’ve been thinking of hiringย  some engineers and giving them sales training; while surfing around I encounter this wonderful blogs and videos which are specifically created for startup entrepreneurs. (perfect for me!)
And then, I’ve started following his lessons, but it was bit tedeous to keep the videos align and in series. so I’m embedding these three videos (which I’m gonna need ?) For my convenience yeah, so that I can have them on one page…
Part I Messaging: Magical 12 words
Part II Messaging: Converting words into Sentences
Part III Messaging: from sentences to stories

word of mouth ebook for grabs

What I’m reading currently?
Well it’s not a regular book, it’s an e-book, yeah this is the first time I’m getting some success in reading an e-book.
Thats why they say “easy read”, I think the book is an easy read as I could read it; otherwise I’d made thousands of attempts reading several ebooks but I somehow never read more than 10 pages of any ebook.
Word of mouth Manual

As you can guess from its title the book is about viral marketing or below the line marketing/advertising The book is easy read, written is plain English (avoided jargons). I liked the tone of this book it has subtle humor which you’d enjoy if you know what exactly author wants to convey.

This is offset to my blog title & not at all related to GMAT, but as I hinted some time back I want to make this blog more general and want to write about other topics I like… (so I would gradually reduce the font size of GMAT phrases in tag cloud ๐Ÿ˜€ ) haha, that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop or reduce writing GMAT related articles, matter of fact it’s not going to get affected since I’ll still be using the proofread my essay services whenever I I am in a rush. I’d rather fill the gap between my articles and increase my posting frequency. Thats the point. … anyways enough of personal comments. I think I should add a ‘now reading’ category or tags now.

Actually I wanted to share it using Scribd, it’s ready preview feature so wouldn’t have to acutally download it. But they thought it to be inappropriate to upload such document so I had to upload it on my website server. It’s a shareware so feel free to distribute it to your network if you liked it.

gmat books reviews available now

This blog post about recommended books was long overdue, I have been asked about books and material several times by GMAT students, so I thought, I should write a special article exclusively for it.
That page, for GMAT books recommendations and review is finally up; (yep, the same page you can access through nav bar above!!) Still there’re some more books I should review. I will do it once I get more time for this. Thanks for the patience.
I’d also write review for beyong GMAT phase (that is MBA admission, b-school research & life at b schools phase) There’re plenty of books out there which are worth reading even if you’re still at GMAT prep phase.

Stay tuned for more reviews ๐Ÿ˜‰

Why to buy GMAT OG12? & how GMAT works?

This is second part of the article. Part-I can be viewed here: When is the right time to take GMAT.

Before I explain the importance of OG12 I need to tell you how GMAT test works.

How GMAT adds new questions to their question bank & removes old questions, periodically.

Have you heard of experimental questions in GMAT? Around one quarter of GMAT questions you tackle in the test are experimental & they never get counted in your real GMAT score. They are present in both sections, verbal & quantitative and are placed randomly throughout the test. Yeah, but this is not important to us right now; our main concern is โ€œwhy GMAC have them in the test when they are irreverent to the final score?โ€

Well! As they call it, they are experimental questions; they are untested and are brand new. To figure out the difficulty level of each of these questions, they experiment with them by adding them in current GMAT question pool. Based on response collected from GMAT test takers all across the world, questions are โ€œtaggedโ€ with certain difficulty level. Once the difficulty level is identified these questions come in test as โ€˜realโ€™ questions. (which then no more remain ‘experimental’).

The point is, questions in GMAT keep on changing but majority of questions remain in question bank for certain period. (In our checmical engineering terminology we call it space time ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) Now you might realise the reason why you’re not allowed to retake the test immediately after your first (former) attempt. [hint! get the hint!!] (FYI, You need to wait for at least 30/31 days or something to retake it.)

In past when 11th edition just launched, I learned, test takers found quite a few questions from OG 11 in their real GMAT test …. same or similar set of questions. Although GMAT students can’t reveal the live questions they were certainly forunate to take the test during the period when OG was fresh and new. As time passed, test takers reported less questions or less similar questions in their real GMAT to official guide. It is therefore obvious to expect more similar questions in real GMAT these days when OG-12th edition is fresh-n-new.

So, what are you waiting for? Get the Official Guide 12th Edition now!

I must confess, this is series article & I drafted it in April 2009. But due to my erratic blogging frequency I didn’t publish it. I am fully aware that I should have posted it on OG-12th launch period but :sigh!: … anyways.

One more update is, official guide for verbal review & math review the two supplimentary books are about to be on stores in couple of months. Though I dont take them seriously, I just thought to inform you about it.

More about OG-12 & its review in next article <maybe> ๐Ÿ˜€

bbye!! now working

The parent site of this blog, that is Amrute’s website has now some content, finally.
I wanted to add some pages ever since I registered this domain. But never got extra time. Now have added some webpages in Marathi, To my surprise I see ads in Marathi on these pages. (didnt know Marathi Google AdWords) I also want to add some Youtube video for demos, will do that in next few months. So far it’s looking good as it’s blended in the same theme that this blog is using.ย  Remember the theme is for grabs now. Go get it if you liked it!
Maybe it’ s time I should remove ‘under construction’ note from here & add some helpful links. Though I still want to add some more pages… & upload some photos etc. but will do it side-by-side…

Download my wordpress theme

I received some positive feedback about the theme I’m using on this blog. If you liked my wordpress I’m uploading it on server so that anyone can download it & use it.
Download the theme

It’s a 1000px width theme, I specifically coded as I believe visitors of my blog mostly have more than 1024 px screen resolution in width.
You can read the description of the them in CSS file once you post it on your workpress dashboard but some things I’d like to disclose about this theme.
I’ve modified someone else’s theme for my needs its optimised for Google Adsense. Google usually approves only 3 ad codes per page, two are already there in the script however there’s scope of adding one more Ad units say in sidebar to increase monetisation probability ๐Ÿ˜‰
I’ll upload this theme in official WordPress.Org theme directory, once I get more time, writing proper info viz tags. etc.