Category Archives: GMAT

GMAT strategy, news, Scholarships, helpful GMATprep tips.

Migration to new GMAT site

I have been thinking of having my own personal web site & having this (& my other blogs) hosted there. & this month I might move this blog to personal site. 

Earlier I thought migrating would be coping & pasting all my articles to new blog (yes I am thinking of chucking & going for wordpress ) But thankgod its not that terrrible I just have to link it with blogger give some authentication thats it. & blog is moved. 
By the month end I would be able to create all new site. The new site would be more interactive & active. Perhaps my migrating thoughts stopped me from blogging. But once I am shifted, you’ll see a lot of fresh content. 
GMAT related and a lot personal stuff. I might dilute this blog by adding non-GMAT content, yes of course as you can guess I am consolidating all my blogs so have to compromise there. But I’ll make sure to have separate RSS feed for GMAT related posts. that way if you subscribe to my blog you wil not have to read my personal blabber.
I learned wordpress is superior blogging application than blogger. Though I am more familiar with blogspot & still figuring out its admin panel etc.
Anyways there’s lot of GMAT content (which I have been waiting to publish) ;comng once I am done with migration.
will let you know the new name of site…

Stay tuned for some products from research den of my GMAT blog

I have so many articles to publish here L tsk my unpublished posts dammit! There’s a lot to come from my “research den”

Just stay tuned, wait for some days and you’ll get:-

  • some cool reviews about the GMAT online forums from me. Yeah! You know that I have been on all forums for some time I know the culture of every forum

  • The compilation of all great GMAT stories (edited my with my comments) of Test Magic ( ) forums. Yeah! The forum is quite old and produced some of great GMAT gurus who gave ultimate strategies to crack the GMAT.

  • Complete dissection of GMAT prep and GMAT PowerPrep softwares ( 26 MB & 9 MB) comparision of these with OGs (sounds exciting na! )

  • And of course my unfinished business with thousand SC 1000 SC document. I’ll try my best to make a complete list of Answers of that document. … some say that SC doc is clean… lets see…

Jack GMAT story compiled

Here’s ready link for all posts of [Jack GMAT story: A case study]
Dont worry if you lose this page. I have made a quick link on right column of my blog in reference section, so that you dont have to hit back button.

I might add couple of more posts about the survey/poll i conducted on various GMAT related forums. And also add peoples responses.

Jack’s GMAT story: [part- IV RIght Approach]

Case A: An undergrad student.

This is the best time to take the test. Although, average age of GMAT test taker is more than GRE-folks, it is still recommended to take it in early ages.

A college student can get good resources from the library, he has peers, friends who can study together & motivate.

The life after graduation is quite miserable, plane and lonely. (believe me!)

Jack could have decided to take GMAT on December, joined some quality forum boards- gained some mixed opinions and knowledge-networked with other fellow GMAT students & MBA aspirants. By Feb-March Jack could have taken the GMAT test successfully.

Case B: Person has all free time, nothing else to do but to study for GMAT.

Jack could have got max out of it (… out of this period). He really doesn’t have to join any tuition of preparation classes. As he could have done it all alone, with stable mind of course.

Jack has plenty of material and online resources such as forums and blogs. The key is to get to know what suits you out of the materials available.

Most of People (most of Jacks!) say that they need as much material as it is available on earth.
No!. It is a wrong approach. Yes, you should review every material available, but then you have to decide what suits you.

There are certainly loads of resources and hard/ soft material available. And each material has its own style; each tutor has her own style of approaching to the plan ( what it’s called the strategy) or particular problem.

Each unit/ coaching class / tutor has his/her own strategy. You have to decide which strategy works for you.

It’s not about getting the maximum material available but about getting the maximum out of the material available.

Case C: Balancing work and study

This is very crucial!

We have loads of similar cases here.

Jack has full time job. He hardly finds time to check with his parents or his old friends. Jack lives comfortable life (read: earning money) and focus on GMAT in this case, goes fading.

In order to avoid this:

Jack should learn to love his GMAT journey first. May be he should keep a blog or do some other inspirational stuff.

He can join a preparation classes. Some reputed or may be third grade; it doesn’t matter as long as it is making Jack’s GMAT journey stimulating. (Caution: the above statement is valid only if Jack has other wise materials available.)

It is very important for Jack to keep his GMAT interest alive. May be he should network with other GMAT aspirants and meet on weekends. Such tiny things can help Jack stay alive.

If Jack is successful in keeping his GMAT interest alive the rest things become “cake walk”.

No matter how hectic your life is, you can always find some
time for your favorite activities.

Indulge in GMAT related forums- get addicted. No harm, if you find the zeal to study at age of 29. Being addicted is sometimes beneficial. 😉

I think I have provided three vital scenarios ( cases I mean). However if you, readers find new case feel free to discuss it here or on some forums boards where I am available.

Thank you.

Jack’s GMAT story: [part- III What Went Wrong]

Jack has been studying for GMAT since long. And during this period he missed quite a few opportunities to take this test.

Most of the time, what he missing was right approach, strategy to prepare for the GMAT and some good advice.

When Jack was completing his degree, it was ideally the best time for him to take the test. Honestly, it gets more difficult once you get a full time job. Jack had his classmates to take the test. It would have been definitely easier for him to take the test then.

But he missed the boat.

After finishing his education Jack had some free time that could have used wisely for GMAT preparation. He in fact did utilized that time but not so wisely. Too many cooks spoil the soup.
Yes! Same thing happened with Jack this time.

Unfortunately he couldn’t resist to apply for jobs simultaneously. Jack failed to realize the case if he gets a call from a prosperous company on the verge of taking the GMAT. Exactly same thing happened and Jack faced this dilemma. He had to drop the idea, one more time. But he wouldn’t have gotten success in GMAT because the wrong approach he followed.

He had all free time available for preparation, Jack bought all material available on earth also he joined tuition/classes. Well in most of the cases it is recommended but Jack went to extreme and end up confusing himself for the right strategy that would work for him.
Yes! too many cooks spoil the soup. Oh! I forgot to mention about the forums and blog he used to indulge in!!

After resuming to his job, Jack hardly finds time for anything extra work like studying for GMAT. Though Jack turned wiser than before, he has time constrains, mental stress and job responsibilities. He’s struggling to manage work-life balance forget about extra efforts for GMAT study.
He needed the force to go for GMAT study. He made up by his own… He could have done much better if he had joined some classes this time.

Above all things of Jacks story went wrong… Jack could have done better. To know the right approach read on.

Jack’s GMAT story: [part- II Solution]

I must confess that, this dilemma of Jack is genuine and is tough to provide the correct solution. What makes this situation really tough is his GMAT-score 610.
Jack still has plenty of time (may be couple of more years) before he would apply to b-school.
610 is critical score, an ‘on-the-wall’ score you can say; which is not a good score but given a chance, with proper study strategy he can improve his score to a respected level
610+40=650! which is at least an average score for decent business schools. But note that it could go really tough for Jack to improve his score by more than 40. therefore I call 610 as a critical score. Anything less and I would not advice Jack to retake the test. Remember, you cant fool this test.
To be cont….what went wrong

Jack’s GMAT story: [Part-I wrong approach]

Year ONE: December.

Jack is a (senior) student in his final years. Like many of his classmates he wants to do an MBA. And as they say, the early you plan the better and easier your path will be.

So he plans:

-Bachelors degree

-3-4 years job.

-Applying for b-schools.

OK. that sounds good.

Jack knows that there’s a beast called GMAT, must be conquered first. His friends advise him to give GMAT a shot, now. He agrees, thinking that, it would be better if he takes the test during his education. He wouldn’t have to brush up the basics( /fundamental skills). He has the habit of studying hard; also he would have access to the college library. He has Christmas holidays to slog for GMAT. That’s perfect.

Jack starts preparing for GMAT. He goes to the Internet to read some reviews about the books related to GMAT exam. He does good research and starts preparing for GMAT. His first diagnostic test scores in five hundred something. 510 to be precise.

He was shocked by such a low score.

He does more research on GMAT; uses online resources; signs up for various online forums.

Later he realized two (?) facts (?):

*GMAT needs average of two months of preparation.

*And 650+ in GMAT is considered to be an average score for good b-schools..

Concluding this, he postpones his GMAT date to summer, thinking that it would be impossible for him to study for two months during his graduation classes.


Year TWO: August

Jack completes his degree & now he has free time till he gets his first job.

He plots a plan.

Aug+ Sept =two months GMAT study.

He buys half dozen books, based on the online reviews.
He decides to do job search and GMAT preparation simultaneously.

He takes his diagnostic test again and finishes with the exact same figure he had eight months ago.
He already has joined GMAT forums. He also purchases some simulation CAT GMAT CDs. And yes! he signs up for a reputed GMAT coaching class too.

More-determined-Jack this time, thinks that he can improve his score by couple of hundreds many people have done that. He read many peoples’ GMAT war stories.
Loaded with full of material hard and soft he starts his GMAT preparation.
He finds GMAT forum addictive. He goes there often and grabs many interesting facts/myths about GMAT.

Jack couldn’t been able to excel his score though!
He had online forums that provide plenty of different solutions to a problem. He had plenty of books to get different strategies. He had classroom strategy too, to attack different problems. He had habit to study for long hours. Still he failed to excel.

He was thinking positive that his score would rise.
After two months of preparation he manages to get ~570-580 on his practice tests.
That’s an improvement of course! But not as much as he wanted.

Meanwhile he gets a job offer which he couldn’t deny. Disappointed Jack, again postpones his GMAT.


Year 3 November

Jack is way out of his studies. He’s working for full time for a year or more. GMAT is still in his mind. He has not quit from his favorite GMAT forum. He thinks it would be good to keep in touch.

This time he decides not to spend a single extra money for GMAT; had enough of it.

Jack starts preparing for GMAT with his coaching class material, the books he had purchased and online forums, of course.

He realized the fact that he couldn’t give more time than he used to give earlier due to his job responsibility; …he sacrificed the night outs. Stopped meeting friends. And studied hard again.

He has grown wiser than earlier. He knows how to attack a problem now. Though he got 510 in diagnostic test. After two months of better preparation he managed to lift his score by hundred points to 610!. His real first GMAT score!

He was not at all satisfied with his score. He keeps on telling himself you can raise your score by more 100 points. com’on you can do it!

He’s angry with himself; not sure, what to do?

He’s in a dilemma.

-to retake the test again within a month?

-to again postpone it till more time space available?

-to drop the idea of GMAT./ let 610 be good.

-to abandon the thought of B-schools & MBA altogether.

He knows the options presented are negative in ascending order. At this moment Jack is not confident enough to take most positive option. & he is not so depressed to cut the thought of B-school entirely… after-all he’s spent more than two years for GMAT!

God bless him.

to be cont….. solution to the problem

Jack’s GMAT story [part 0: Preface]

I am presenting you a story of Jack, a normal GMAT test taker.
Lately I observed, students� negative drive towards taking the test; Jack is one of them. I can see many Jacks here n there. They usually postpone or retake the test because of low score they observe during their practise CAT tests.
As a result of it, I decided to write an article in my blog, based on how important it is to take GMAT once and for all.
Later I dropped the idea and thought to place it on GMAT forum… That way I would make it more interactive.
[Editor’s note: I have published it in some GMAT related forums first for response & one month later I published compilied story on blog.]
I want your comments on the Jack�s story, folks.
I have my own opinion on this story (of course! I have written it. which you can read in the next episode/articles)
Before I write further, here�s my background:
You might wonder that why should you read the story of the fictional character and later hear the opinion of a person who has not taken the test?
I have been thinking of b-schools since last 5-6 years. And GMAT is in my mind all day all night for last two years. In a process, I read as much as I could get on the internet. I joined online forums, interacted with people, enough for now, to make a firm opinion on GMAT issues. On June end of this year I was fully prepared for GMAT. But due to my ignorance to the fact that I needed a passport on the test day, I dropped the plan. I do not have passport yet!
Feel free to post the comments on the story. However, I am posting just first part of the series, Latter parts contain my opinions followed by right approach etc.
Check all series of articles the case study of Jack’s GMAT.

Link to the relevant thread on forum will be available upon request.