The last straw #Facebook

Facebook feed algorithm is driving people to extremism. It’s making their beliefs even stronger, cementing it further by watching likeable content repetitively. While Facebook notoriously, has been working on some or the other secret social experiments at large scale, this is the last straw. I have been tempted to stop using Facebook since many years but had hold back the thought because of the business clients on social media.
I don’t know how Mahesh Murthy manages to take a stand and use fb the same time… something to learn?
But I think they are not prepared for the negative consequences, the negative sentiments and extremism causing on the society at large. This may look bit vague, but this is a very serious concern.
This should be the movement, to stop Facebook from manipulating peoples mind. I think a mentor would help! Do you feel the same? Are you game for this? RT below tweet, or better yet, comment below (using your facebook credentials 😐 )