Category Archives: Resolution

Follow up on resolution

This is a follow-up on my previous post about my resolution in 2018. Today is a good occasion (my birthday) to ponder on what I had decided and how much I reached towards my goal.

Each of my four resolution deserves a detailed blogpost with some insights and learning but here’s glimpse of what’s going on and how far I am.

1. Workout & Stay fit: I did a couple of medium treks without a sweat! So, I am fit & have been fit but I had lost a confidence whether I could run/sprint for more than 30 seconds, whether I still have stamina… This resolution was more about joining some gym and getting a proper work-out routine. & yes, I did that. After checking out with dozens of gyms I finally decided on one and started my gym membership. Once on treadmill, I started building my stamina and done some 3-5 minutes sprints. So, there’s some progress there. I haven’t gone into body-building and weight exercise but I’ll start that soon.

2. Alternative Investment: I have been quite active in trading last couple of quarters and have found some unique investment opportunities. Although this is not how I had planned in Jan-2018 of investing in startups like Angels ( or building a portfolio etc., this definitely falls in alternative investment. And I indeed became on angle for a startup. On a second thought I can still explorer Angelist, that option is open, but the ROI/money is not quick nor guaranteed.

3. Make something: I don’t remember of making something this year. I finally purchased soldering kit & fixed some bluetooth speakers (along with my father, we did it together!!). I also purchased a hot melt glue-gun, but that product is a rip-off. They should remove the word ‘glue’ or I should dig more to get actually sticky cartridge, which would stick like soldering /welding in case of metal. I guess that’s the closes I have been. As far as the open source project goes I haven’t short-listed any idea yet (You can share one). I need to build a shade for car parking that could be my DIY project this year.
Plastic Recycling
4. Solid Waste management: When I had posted about it in Jan, I had no clue of how things work, how solid waste it treated/processed/recycled if not sent to dumping ground. I know the seriousness it holds and thus started with first step. Earlier this year, I visited Dharavi’s plastic garbage shredding and recycling industry and bit relieved that there’s hope!

To summarise, I have not reached 50% of goal but the resolutions are still alive and I’m getting there. I should post an update in December before the year ends. Meanwhile if you have any comments to share (especially #2 a startup idea/project, #3 DIY/IoT projects for me, #4 how I can contribute on solid waste management) feel free to email me [email protected] or post a comment below.

Resolution 2018

It’s that time of the year when you make yet another new year resolution/s. Mostly it’s the same commitment you make every year and barely mange to complete it. So, do you have anything new this time?
Well, in my case, I’ve thought of something new and I think it’s important for me to put it out here (makes me accountable).  I can then look back next year and write couple of follow up posts on the progress on each of projects. This year I am planning to spend quite a bit of my time and money on some personal as well as public projects.

  1. Workout & stay fit: Yeah, the usual one! I know it’s a bit obvious, but this one’s new for me. Crossed 35 and still never been to a gym, never followed a diet or done real physical training. So this is going to be my personal challenge.
  2. Alternative investments: Although, I’ve had worked on startups, and mentored/invested in a few; I never did this professionally. Hence, this year I am planning to do this professionally, a venture capital fund (comes under alternative investment in the fund’s portfolio). This is going to be my professional challenge. To raise funds and build a portfolio of bankable businesses.
  3. Make something: I just love maker‘s community and how they inspire each other to build something new. You can earn millions of dollars in stock trading but nothing gives you more satisfaction than fixing things and creating stuff. This year I am going to make something – a smart automation hardware for me/my house, which others can use. It’ll be an open-source project so others can benefit and improve. This is going to be my community project.
  4. Solid waste management: Last and not the least, the most challenging project I am going to take up is “disposing off garbage”. Yes, and you guessed it right, this one’s my public project. Things that you don’t want, go to the trash bin; but what happens to it next? The rate at which we are consuming materials is way higher than it can be decomposed or recycled. Soon we will end up on acres of land filled with trash. Dumping ground cannot be a permanent solution and I’ve come to realize that this is a grave issue which needs to be taken care on priority. If not, the next generation would have to face the aftermath of our actions, and by then it will be too late.

You know, what grinds my gears?

Do you know, what really grinds my gears?
Yes, those little suckers are deadly. In fact they are the most lethal species, deadlier than shark, lions, or any other animal for that matter. In fact all animals combined would not match the harm that mosquitoes make.

Check this video /infographic /or should I call it videographics? (ah, new term!!). The video lists most lethal animals who are responsible for human deaths. I was waiting for the twist & the surprise; and I got one. I thought, humans kill most humans (murders and accidents), obviously. And I thought, they would miss including the humans in the list of animals. But I was stunned at the end.

Mosquitoes are dangerous; and I want to get rid of those. Ah! who doesn’t want to get rid of them? All of us, right? Except you might not know what mosquitoes are if you are living in colder regions of developed countries.

I hope you all remember, Mr. Bill Gates opening the jar of mosquitoes in TED talks.  Well, that did the trick, I think. Many labs are working on mosquito borne diseases such as Malaria, Dengue, Chikunguniya.

There are experiments that could prevent mosquitoes to reproduce, but what are the consequences of eradicating the entire species is unknown and dangerous.